Wednesday 10 October 2012

The Law of Timing

Timing is something that is crucial in life. When we want to do something we need to do it at the right time. Sometimes we miss the things that God has for us because we missed His timing. God's timing is everything. If you do things in your own time, you will surely fail. But when you wait on God's timing, then things work out smoothly.

Let's take a look at some examples of God's perfect timing in the bible:

  • God's dynamic leadership: Numbers 9:15-23
    In this scripture we see the people of Israel journeying from Egypt to the promised land. During their journey, they had to camp at different places. They had no way of knowing whether they would camp in a specific location for a few days or a few years. They could not let themselves slip into a rut and trust in a schedule. They had to remain flexible, always ready to pack up and move when God says it's time to move. They learned to trust God, who was their Ultimate Leader.

  • A divine call and charge: Joshua 1:1-9
    Consider this: it actually took 40 years for Joshua's leadership style to match the need of the moment. Moses was a diplomatic leader. He was like a judge. He always found himself having to patiently judge the people of God as they grumbled through the long years in the desert. All through their travels, they needed Moses to be there to lead and judge them as a political leader. But when they reached Canaan, they were faced with fierce enemies and therefore they needed to have a more confrontational leader that would be able to lead them into battle. Someone who is skilled in the arts of war. That is where Joshua comes in. he was more of a military man than Moses and he was the right person at the time to lead this people into war. Right here we can see how the timing of God dictated the appropriate leadership styles.

  • Nehemiah chose the right moment to see the king: Nehemiah 2:1-5
    every good leader understand that timing is everything. Nehemiah himself understood the law of timing perfectly. He waited four months after he first heard of the broken wall of Jerusalem before he even spoke to the king about it. When he first heard it, it was in December and he immediately started to pray about it. But why did he wait until April to speak to the king? Until today, no one knows for sure why he waited so long. Scholars have put together several reasons as to what he might have been waiting on.
    Let us take a look at these reasons:
  1. His ownership of the burden and vision.
  2. A foundation of prayer to be laid.
  3. His own readiness with a plan.
  4. The king's mental and emotional mood.
  5. The season when he could move quickly.
  6. A trust to deepen between him and the king.

  • A season for everything: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
    We all know the famous poem of king Solomon about a time for everything under the sun. A time for birth, death, planting, reaping, weeping, laughing, etc.... Solomon was a man who knew the law of timing very well. None of us can control the timing of events in our lives, though we might think that we do. The only thing we can possibly do is to recognize the timing.
  1. As a leader, you are responsible to recognize God's timing, not to change it.
  2. You must accept and cooperate with His timing.
  3. Aligning yourself with God's timing will make a big difference in your life and your ministry.
  4. God has already made everything appropriate in its own time.
  5. You need to trust God to communicate His timing to you in His own time.
  6. All you can do in this life is to rejoice and do good.

    Tomorrow we shall be looking at more examples of God's perfect timing and how it can help us also to recognize His timing in our own lives. So don't forget to bookmark this blog and come back for more. 

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