Wednesday 10 October 2012

The Art of Timing

Timing is an art. Nobody just woke up one morning and leaned to master the art of timing. God is the ultimate master of this art. Just look at the story of creation. God did not just decide one day that He was going to create the earth. He designed and planned it. He waited for the right time to begin His creation.

David was another master of the art of timing. He is well known in the Bible as a man after God's own heart. Why do you think that is? Let me explain.

David knew the secrets of waiting on God more than any one in his time. The Bible says in 2 Samuel 7:18 that he went in and sat before God. He looked to God for everything. God was his confidence and he trusted in Him in every aspect of his life. He trusted in God for guidance and instruction, for help, for victory over his enemies, for justification, for deliverance, to defend him against all unjust accusations, for his refuge, for forgiveness and much much more.

In reality, David trusted God for everything and he was prepared to wait until God was ready to act on his behalf at the right time.

Jesus was another person who was a master of timing. He knew exactly when to do what. Even though He had heard that His good friend Lazarus was sick at the point of death, He waited two days before leaving to visit him. Why? He knew very well that Lazarus was not going to live. By the time He decided to make His way to Bethany, He knew that Lazarus was already dead and buried.

Do you know why He waited until His friend was dead? The reason is that He wanted His Father to receive glory. When He brought His friend back to life, it got the attention of every single person in Jerusalem. His fame grew even more and God received all the glory. In other words, His timing was perfect.

Timing is everything with God. Nothing ever happen by coincidence. God times His every move. Though sometimes we may not see things happening in our lives, we only have to pray and wait. God is at work. He is cooking something for you and I. Whatever it is that you are waiting on Him for, the only advice I can give you is to keep waiting and keep praying and thanking Him. It will come to pass in time. In God's perfect timing.

God sees the big picture. He views time differently than we do. We all know that Jesus is to return to this earth, but when. Jesus said in Matthew 24:36 – “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”

Jesus is waiting patiently to return because He wants to harvest every single soul that He can. Just like Jesus, we must learn to combine the ability to wait for results with the ability to seize the day. We need to learn how to both wait and watch.

God knows everything there is to know about us, so we have to learn how to wait Him. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Beloved, my advice to you is not to try and push ahead of God's plan for your life. Do not allow impatience to get the better of you and make you do things in your own strength. Wait for God's perfect timing.

Waiting is not wasted time. When we begin to master the art of timing and we wait on God, He acts on our behalf, He blesses us and He strengthens us. What does it mean to be blessed by God while we wait on Him? As we wait on God and His timing, He can accomplish so much in our hearts. We often find new purpose in life, receive answers to prayer, see God work, increase our faith, and more often than not, we see God’s perfect plan fulfilled in our situation. Remember, waiting is not wasted time! Learn to master the art of timing!

Be blessed and may God help you learn how to wait on Him. God be with you all!

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